DIY Shaped Pegboard and Cute Ribbon Storage

Oh man, I did this so long ago that I forgot I never shared it with you! It’s one of my favorite things in our house and, more specifically, the craft room.

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My new shaped pegboard and ribbon storage!

I really wanted a pegboard to hang some stuff on and I was inspired by this pegboard from the 36th Avenue.

But I didn’t just want a rectangular board, I wanted a fun shape!
It actually ended up being pretty easy (with the hubby’s help. of course).

This was the wall before:

pegboard wall before

First, I traced a quarter of the shape I wanted on some cardboard. This ensured that each “side” would be even since we just used the same piece.

pegboard (3)

Then we used the cardboard four times to trace the shape on the pegboard, rotating it around. Make sense?

pegboard (4)

The mister used his jigsaw to cut out the shape and viola!

pegboard (5)

Next, I sanded the sides down a little and gave it several coats of white spraypaint. We screwed two boards into the wall (I imagine we aimed for studs) and then screwed the pegboard into the boards.

pegboard (7)

All that was left after that was to hang up whatever tools I could on hooks.

pegboard (9)

We also made a ribbon display which is MUCH more efficient than my previous method of having them all in box to unravel and get mixed up.

I took an empty frame I had lying around and spraypainted it yellow. The hubby put eyehooks on the back, I threaded the dowels with ribbon, and then we put the dowels on the eyehooks. He also attached a dowel to the top of the frame so that it would sit on hooks in the pegboard.

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Since then I also added spraypainted tin cans with holes drilled in the side (and doilies) to hold my varieties of markers and a jar full of nails.

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And that’s my fun shaped pegboard and cute ribbon storage!

pegboard (12)

Thanks for reading!

My entry into The 36th AVENUE sponsored by Appliances Online

The 36th AVENUE

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