Checking In and Homemade Christmas Presents

So, I realize that my crafty, diy blog has become baby central/constant upload of adorable pictures of my daughter.

I would say sorry, but I’m not that sorry. I love that this blog has been a way to show and document how much she is growing from week to week. Especially for my family and friends that are far away and don’t get to see it in person.

However, if there is anyone that misses the creative side of things, you’re not alone, I miss it too.

I have been making things, don’t you worry, I even snap a picture of them most of the time. But the real trouble comes in finding time to sit down and right about it, and honestly I just haven’t felt like using my “free time” in that way.

But, I promise, I am going to TRY to post a little more frequently and have a little variety in there too. Ya know, crafty stuff and such.

I made some gifts for Christmas presents. That was fun.
Such as these felt bookmarks.

felt bookmark Collage

I found the idea and picture tutorial on pinterest here, and tried really hard to find the original source, but couldn’t. Thankfully, it is all laid on in the pictures. I varied it a little (like the stitching) to make it easier on myself and came up with most of the designs on my own.

I also made this button covered letter.

button r edit

Pretty self explanatory. I took a letter “R” from Hobby Lobby and hot glued a whole bunch of red buttons to it. I thought about spray painting it first, but decided I liked it with the white poking through. The key to this is layering the buttons and having small buttons to fill in some of the gaps.

The mister also made some marshmallow shooter guns (huge success with the boys in our families) and I made several sets of alphabet Bible verse cards, but apparently I didn’t take pictures of those. Oh well.

In conclusion, I have been working on things and you will (hopefully) be seeing more of them and me in the near future!

Thanks for being here!